While some omega 3 supplements contain only the oils of fatty-fish, most contain fish oil and vitamin E. Why is the added vitamin important? There are two traditional reasons. In this article, we discuss these reasons along with some other advice about dietary supplements.
A Natural Preservative and Antioxidant
Manufacturers combine fish oil and vitamin E due to the vitamin's antioxidant activity. This operation protects the oil from oxidation, which describes the rotting of the supplement.
In the human body, antioxidants forestall free radical damage. Free radicals are molecules that perform some vital roles within the cells, but if their whole is too high or they become extremely active, they can damage the cellular membranes and Dna strands. Eventually, this damage can lead to the formation of a cancer cell. In humans, the effects of oxidation lead to many lasting and life threatening illnesses, as well as the signs of aging.
It is prominent to add together the amounts of vitamin E that are present in all of your daily supplements. You don't want to go overboard. Unlike some vitamins, which are soluble in water, E is a fat soluble vitamin, so it is harder for your body to get rid of inordinate amounts. Total daily intake should not exceed 1500 Iu per day. The amounts found in omega 3 supplements range from 1.5 Iu to 30 Iu. So, it is unlikely that you would exceed the upper limits, but check the labels, just to be sure.
Helps the Body use Vitamin A
Another speculate that manufactures combine fish oil and vitamin E supplements is to help the body use the A vitamins. Vitamins, minerals and other nutrients work together, in synergy. A is one of the vitamins that is ordinarily present in fish. Remember, when it comes to vitamins, more is not necessarily better. Both A and E can be toxic at high amounts.
Synthetic or Natural
Those are the two main reasons for combining fish oil and vitamin E. Now, there is someone else thing that you need to know. Is the manufacturer using the natural form of the vitamin or is it a synthetic?
The synthetics are cheaper, but naturopathic and holistic practitioners enounce that the certain health benefits of any supplement cannot be realized with the artificial versions. Eating something that is derived from petroleum products is just not good for you.
Buy only Molecularly Distilled
Because of pollution, which is heavy in the Atlantic and some areas of the Pacific, manufacturers should choose oils that are expressed from fishes caught in the southern oceans. The area colse to New Zealand is particularly clean. Even if the fish swims in the cleanest oceans, manufacturers should use molecular distillation to take off any traces of Pcbs and mercury. You want your fish oil and vitamin E supplements to help you, not hurt you. The best associates list their standards for clarity N �����Ѵਹ on their websites.
Why choose Fish Oil and Vitamin E Supplements?