Tocotrienols - 40 to 60x Stronger than quarterly Vitamin E

Many of us are well-known with the antioxidant and mild cardiovascular security benefits of Vitamin E. Any way many are not aware that there is more to Vitamin E than just alpha-Tocopherol that is found in regular Vitamin E formulas.

Scientific studies have proven that other members of the Vitamin E family, namely the Tocotrienols (alpha, beta, gamma and delta) - play a more leading role than just regular Vitamin E (alpha - Tocopherol) alone. Apart from being a more potent antioxidant than regular Vitamin E, tocotrienols have many other functions that regular Vitamin does not possess.


Conventional or regular Vitamin E supplements consist of only alpha- Tocopherol. If you'd like to enjoy a more faultless antioxidant protection, good cardiovascular as well as cancer protection, and more profound skin beautifying benefits, pick a Vitamin E supplement with alpha-Tocopherol as well as a full spectrum of the Tocotrienol family. So check your vitamin E supplement label to ensure you are no taking an inferior formula.

Tocotrienols - 40 to 60x Stronger than quarterly Vitamin E

Free radicals can damage cells and lead to the amelioration of many degenerative diseases, including cardiovascular disease, arthritis and cancer. Antioxidants keep these free radicals in check, preventing them from wreaking havoc in the body. However, when an antioxidant quenches a free radical, it itself becomes a free radical unless it is "recharged"
As a potent antioxidant, Tocotrienols are unique as they have the capability to "recharge" themselves faster after neutralizing free radicals. Furthermore, they are 40 - 60x stronger that the beloved antioxidant alpha-Tocopherol (regular Vitamin E) itself.

Both Tocotrienols and cholesterol lowering drugs (Statin drugs) lower the output of Ldl "bad" cholesterol in the body by suppressing Hmg-CoA reductase. Tocotrienols work using separate mechanism than Statin drugs, which is why they do not cause the usual side effects linked with Statin drugs, such as the lowering of Hdl "good" cholesterol and CoQ10 in the body.

When taken alongside cholesterol lowering drugs, Tocotrienols greatly enhance the efficacy of these drugs. Interestingly, studies have shown that gamma Tocotrienols, on its own, is able to decrease serum cholesterol by over 31% in just 4 weeks.

Tocotrienols promotes a salutary cardiovascular principles and sell out the risk of heart attack by:

- Keeping blood vessel walls flexible and smooth so that they are not as a matter of fact injured.

- Controlling inflammation causing cytokines that may otherwise kick off plaque to build up.

- Preventing the oxidant of Ldl cholesterol that causes it to stick facilely on blood vessels.

- Inhibiting smooth muscle cell proliferation that may speed up the clogging of blood vessels.

- Preventing platelet 'stickiness' that causes blood clots.

But, one of the most distinctive function of tocotrienols is their capability to clear atherosclerotic blockage in the carotid artery ( the main blood vessel that supplies blood to the brain) to significantly sell out the risk of stroke.

While regular Vitamin E is not found to protect against cancer, Tocotrienols, especially delta and gamma - Tocotrienols, are found to exhibit potent anti tumors properties, especially against breast, prostate and liver cancer.

Tocotrienols inhibit cancer cell increase by preventing cancer cells from multiplying and spreading, and also inducing the death of cancer cells (apoptosis) without affecting the surrounding salutary cells. Compared to regular Vitamin, Tocotrienols also drill cell membranes better, from a more uniform distribution within the cell's membrane and protect the Dna materials contained in the cells against damages that may eventually lead to cancer.

According to World health assosication (Who), 1 in every 12 women is at risk of developing breast cancer, with over half a million reported death every year. While many breast cancers are estrogen hormone dependent, some tumors, particularly those that advanced after menopause, do not depend upon estrogen for their growth. Hence, they would not write back comfortably to Tamoxifen (the most widely used treatment for breast cancer). Gamma-Tocotrienols is 3x more potent in inhibiting increase of human breast cancer cultured cells than Tamoxifen. Researchers also demonstrated that Tocotrienols enhance the effects of Tamoxifen and are also beneficial in the preventing of breast cancer.

Oxidative stress is the major cause of premature skin ageing, causing skin to sag, wrinkles to appear, pigmentation to form and skin to appear unevenly colored or blotchy. regular Vitamin E has always been known to enhance skin health and delay ageing. But with tocotrienols, regular Vitamin E function is more than quadrupled.

Apart from protecting the skin from oxidants stress. Tocotrienols, even though taken orally, also contribute an indiscernible shield to protect the skin from damaging Uv rays. This preventing skin darkening, and most importantly, it prevents Uv rays from penetrating into the deeper layers of the skin to cause the breakdown of collagen fibres that causes the loss of skin elasticity and firmness. security from Uv rays also helps sell out the risk of skin cancer.

Tocotrienols - 40 to 60x Stronger than quarterly Vitamin E

