Vitamin E insufficiency In Young Burn Victims

A study in the American Journal of Clinical research has found a link between third degree burns and a vitamin E deficiency. Scientists found that even when children who had suffered third degree burns were given an increased dose of the nutrient, they still experienced a gigantic depletion in their vitamin E levels.

Severe burns can have many effects on the body and mind together with nerve damage, scarring, muscle damage and emotional distress. This new piece of research shows that serious burns can also lead to a gigantic drop in the levels of vitamin E in the body. Vitamin E can be found in any food sources together with pecan nuts as well as in supplement form.


Eight children were studied by a team of researchers. They had all been admitted to hospital with third degree burns and were studied for three weeks following their injuries. Over a three week period they were given 150% of their normal suggestion of vitamin E in their diet. Despite these gigantic levels of the nutrient entering their diet, the levels of vitamin E that were recorded over the three weeks showed a gigantic loss of the compound.

Vitamin E insufficiency In Young Burn Victims

We store a safe bet estimate of the antioxidant in our bodies and what the researchers saw was a drop that they would not have improbable to see in years much less in a matter of weeks. The eight children lost practically half of all their stored vitamin E in just three weeks. This is despite the 150% daily reduction being given to them through supplements and a high calorie diet. The researchers focused mainly on the nutrient levels in the fat tissue, or adipose tissue, and this is where a gigantic depletion in vitamin E levels was seen.

One of the researchers, Professor Maret Traber from the Linus Pauling Institute, stated that the adipose tissue does not normally sense short term fluctuations in vitamin E levels so their findings were "dramatic, unexpected and somewhat alarming".

There was also strong evidence that nerve damage caused by the burns was made even worse by the lack of the nutrient. By monitoring the level of vitamin E in the body immediately after suffering third degree burns and addition it through a vitamin E supplement, doctors were more likely to prevent added nerve damage. However, more research is needed to fully preserve the claim that high doses of the mixture could help to promote medical of nerve damage or other burns-related injuries.

Vitamin E insufficiency In Young Burn Victims

