You've had acne for awhile and sometimes it got pretty severe. You've had it on your face, chest, neck and back. (Yes, that's bacne). You've scratched them, picked them and popped them. You never realized that doing that would cause scarring, so you did and now that's what you are left with. What do you do? Is there a way to beyond doubt fade these scars?
Vitamin E oil has long been said to be the ideal substance to help fade and sometimes eliminate all scars, not just acne scars. But this does not happen unless it is used constantly and you are very consistent in applying it. Also, if you buy Vitamin E capsules and put a small pin hole in them to open and use the liquid vitamin within, it is more efficient than just buying a cream or ointment. Use morning and evening on face and affected areas. Let it dry. It has amazing curative results.
Another long standing remedy for scarring is to shower with a loofa or hand mitt. Dissolve aspirin in warm water. Soak a paper towel with the aspirin water and lay the towel on the affected area. This in aggregate with Vitamin E has shown amazing results.
Lastly, the aloe plant has been heralded for its miraculous curative properties for skin conditions. But the best aloe is taken right from the leaf of the plant. Just cut a small piece of a leaf and rub it onto the affected area. Aloe will come out of the leaf and onto your skin. Do not dress or put clothing on until it is dry. If you do this several times a day, you will observation revising in just a few days.
Anti-scarring creams and ointments are becoming more and more popular. Aside from those above, ask your doctor or pharmacist about those that people have reported to be very affective. One product, Mederma, we have heard also works very well, but it can be costly.
How To Fade Acne and Bacne Scars